
“Sexual deception, imprisonment, and killing aren’t but a few of the techniques devised by the inhabitants of the plant kingdom, where dissimulation and metamorphosis
are commonplace and seduction is of the essence. Enchantment and deception are key to the quiet and lethal sexual allure of forests and swamps and meadows in bloom. In times of plenty, these places vibrate softly with happenings and affairs, eventful yet concealed beneath apparent silence and stillness. Drifting across clusters of herbs and flowers, one realizes fixity is mere illusion: a matter of shifting space and time scales. At the right speed, tendrils, like tentacles, stretch out and gently fondle and grope and feel their surroundings. Creepers coil around tree trunks in search of sunlight, in a deadly embrace. Thousand-petaled sexual organs blossom in myriads of structures and shapes and colors, then morph into juicy fruits.”

This is an extract from the text «TREACHEROUS AND DECEIVING, VEGETABLE LOVE GROWS. ON THE WORK OF REAL MADRID » by Camilla Paolino for the catalogue of It almost felt like the voice of a close friend Geneva, 2021.